How much do bathroom furniture cost?

Do you want to renovate the bathroom and are you wondering how much it costs to furnish this environment to make it as welcoming as the other rooms in the house? The answer to this question is by no means as simple as it seems. It is not just a question of the size of the bathroom, the style of furniture you prefer, the brightness of the environment and the arrangement of the bathroom fixtures. But much more. The bathroom is the heart of the house, it is the environment used for relaxation and personal care. The place to take refuge alone with yourself after a long day of work and to unload our daily anxieties, fears and worries. Often it is also the room used for dressing and makeup and therefore dedicated to the beauty of the person.

There are those who prefer to take long, fragrant relaxing baths and those who love a quick rejuvenating shower. It all depends on ” your way of experiencing the bathroom ” and how long you spend in this room of the house.

Furnishing the bathroom is much more than buying random furniture and arranging it in that environment as if it were a game of Tetris. A design effort equal to that of the living area and the sleeping area is required.

Bathroom furniture: which ones to choose?

How to transform the bathroom from a simple environment dedicated to personal hygiene to an oasis of relaxation where you can take refuge and regenerate yourself from the stress of everyday life? Simple: choosing the right bathroom furniture . To guide your choice, you can follow some basic principles. First of all, the order . It may seem like a cold military command, but in reality the feeling as soon as you enter the room must be that of an orderly environment . We do not mean so much devoid of objects scattered around, but orderly in the sense of harmonious arrangement of the furnishings . Balance must be the fundamental rule to follow. Space optimizationit is another key point to keep in mind because bathrooms are often small rooms, but this does not mean giving up having a comfortable environment. The suspended sanitary ware is the best choice both in terms of space to avoid unnecessary clutter and in terms of ease of cleaning the rooms.

Bath or shower? Much depends on personal taste, the space available and the habits of life.

We must not forget that the style of the bathroom must also be in harmony with the rest of the house. For the color palette , if the mood is relaxation, then cold and relaxing colors will be preferred, such as blues, blues and all the shades of the sea, but nothing prevents you from seeking an elegant environment by focusing on strong and chic black or a romantic one. Pearl grey.

Bathroom furniture: how much to spend?

Often it is the last room to be furnished and we try to bet everything on saving. With our advice above in mind, you don’t necessarily need a big budget to have a nice and comfortable bathroom. You need to know which bathroom furniture to buy and in what style and think carefully about how to arrange them in the environment. Obviously the cost of the furniture varies depending on the brand and the material in which they are made.

Bathroom furniture: what factors affect the cost?

The cost of bathroom furniture depends on the quality of the materials used for its construction. Depending on the type of material, the price of the product changes considerably.

During the purchase phase, it is necessary to evaluate the piece of furniture by analyzing it in detail and not limiting itself to the purely aesthetic factor. The most used material for bathroom furniture is certainly wood in its infinite varieties (blockboard, solid wood, chipboard, plywood). Usually bathroom furniture is made of blockboard or plywood because they are materials resistant to wear and to the damp conditions present in the environment.

In modern bathrooms, steel is also a very popular material because it is aesthetically beautiful and resistant. For the bathroom top, porcelain stoneware is one of the most popular choices, but also the super modern and hygienic HPL laminate. Finally, do not forget the timeless elegance of glass, easy to clean and refined.